
Swoon Magazine was a NY/LA-based independent music, art, fashion and culture media project that existed from 2006 to 2013, producing six print issues, a webzine, and many fabulous parties. This site is an archive of the project. RIP Swoon, and deepest thanks to everyone who participated, contributed, and read our mag. It was fun while it lasted.  

Swoon’s mission:

Swoon’s mission is feature insightful writing on music, art, and culture alongside luminous fashion photography–documenting and celebrating the things we think matter today and preserving still other fragments of the ever-widening memory hole…with something you can hold in your hands.

Yes, print is dead, but, long live print!

We relish the paper object, the physical interaction with the page. This is not to be preciously quaint, dutifully retro, or scurrilously reactionary in the face of the seductive, immaculate horrors of our culturescape. We are interested in progress.

Swoon embraces seriousness and frivolity in equal measure. We seek the depths of surface and the beautiful surfaces of depth. Swoon is about beauty above all else. We seek the sublime. Swimming in our toxic cultural sea, we find glittering jewels hidden in the muck–and it is these which we wish to share with our readers.